I wanted to see how much of a simple, wearable, every day makeup look I could achieve with Naked Smoky by Urban Decay, and I think we have achieved just that :)
Caring for you skin is so important and although I have been very lucky with my genetics regarding my skin (thanks mum and dad - guess I'll forgive you for giving me a big nose), I do also try my best to look after it the best I can through various lotions and potions and Clinique products appear to play a massive role in my skincare routine.
This half of the uni/school/college year is always when people start thinking about starting revision and planning for those dreaded summer exams - this is actually the first year that my exams were done in January and after 10 years of taking exams every single year I have finally got a revision technique that works for me so I thought I'd share incase anyone is looking for tips and tricks. But please don't hate me if they don't work for you - it's just what works for me!